Friday, November 20, 2009

Men are REALLY from mars...

I used to have a colleague who read me the book "Men are from Mars and women are from venus" during my one hour lunch break for at least a week, because we both couldn't agree on who should borrow the book first. We didn't finish the book but i think she did. Anyway it's a great book. It depicts how different men think from women. Many times when my colleague reads a paragraph, we would both exclaim how true the words were. The one thing i remember is that every time a woman complains, all she wants to do is for someone to listen. But guys see it differently. Guys would think that the problem has to be solve and they think we complain because we want a solution. They think they have the answer to everything. I guess my bf listen really well because most of the time when i whinge about things, he will just keep quiet. HAHA. at least he doesn't stop me! LOL

But something that happened today made me realize I really am from a different planet as my bf! I was busy arranging for a last minute dinner this morning and was one hour late to meet our friends! Being the sweetie that he was, he showered, changed, smoked and drank coffee when i hastilly prepared myself to go out. He never whinge a bit. If it would have been the other way round and he was late because he was doing last minute booking for a very important dinner and can't find a suitable restaurant, i would have gone mad at him. Blah blah about how he shouldn't always do last minute stuffs and he is always the latest to arrive when we meet our friends. I know I can be really naggy and i hate being late!

Maybe it's just him being patient but I really think we both see things differently. The things we prioritize and can get mad about is abosolutely different. I guess he has a bigger heart, he swallows everything in whereas I am more vocal about it and i'll talk about it until I get numb and then i will look for a solution. I am not a very good solver, you see and he is a very big risk taker. I think i over think when i do stuff therefore i am really indecisive.

Argh. Annoyed!!

1 comment:

  1. YES! i love that book!
    can pinjam from me if you wanna read it!
